Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 39

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          was appropriated on the Hitchens search.  Hund and Karasinski               
          then went to a casino and cashed in some of the chips.                      
               Ryan was away during the Hitchens search.  When he returned,           
          Ryan received several hundred dollars from Cattalo, who                     
          attributed the money to this search, and Ryan received one                  
          diamond.  Cattalo completed the investigation report on February            
          18, 1983, indicating that nothing was found and nothing was                 
               Respondent asserts that Grove and Cattalo each received                
          $8,000 of the $24,000 in cash from the Hitchens search.  Cattalo            
          was convicted of bribery and Grove of bribery and conspiracy with           
          respect to the bribe.  The total amount of the bribe was $24,000.           
          We sustain respondent's assertions that Grove and Cattalo each              
          received $8,000 of the cash from the Hitchens search.                       
               Respondent also ascribes one-sixth of $65,000 in casino                
          chips and of $6,000 in diamonds to each petitioner.  The total              
          amounts are based on Hitchens' testimony that he was missing                
          $65,000 in chips and three-quarters of approximately 300 diamonds           
          for which he paid $6,000 to $8,000.  Grove, Cattalo, and Wilson             
          were convicted of robbery of the diamonds and/or casino chips and           
          conspiracy, and Giongo was convicted of conspiracy for the                  
               Karasinski understood the chips he saw at Hund's house to be           
          Hund's share.  Karasinski testified that he cashed in a handful             

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