Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 46

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          come to his massage parlor.  When leaving the unit to go to                 
          Spennato's, he told Grove and Cattalo that he was going to meet             
          with an informant.  Spennato gave Hund $2,000 to help clear his             
          brother, who had been arrested by 1 Squad.                                  
               Respondent asserts that of a total payment of $2,000, Grove            
          and Cattalo each received $500.  Hund testified that he went to             
          Spennato's with Grove and Cattalo and split the money with them             
          and Bill Young from 1 Squad.  Spennato did not testify, nor did             
          Young.  Grove's testimony involved answering a phone call from              
          Spennato and did not address going to Spennato's.  Cattalo did              
          not testify about Spennato.  Hund had been receiving payoffs from           
          Spennato since Hund was on 1 Squad.  We believe it unlikely that            
          Hund shared the Spennato payment with the others and find that              
          Cattalo and Grove derived no income from the Spennato payment.              
               John Kaminski/Robert Rossi Search                                      
               On March 11, 1983, Hund, observed by Grove and Wilson,                 
          conducted an undercover purchase of 3 ounces of cocaine at the              
          price of $6,300 from John Kaminski (Kaminski) in the parking lot            
          of a Friendly Restaurant.  Ryan and Cattalo also were present.              
          Kaminski was arrested.  Robert Rossi (Rossi), who was observed              
          delivering a brown paper bag to Kaminski, was arrested inside the           
          adjacent Ground Round Restaurant.  A search of Rossi's apartment            
          was conducted.  Hund and Grove found money and cocaine there.               
          They appropriated some of the cocaine and took it to Karasinski             
          to resell.  Back at the unit, Grove or Hund distributed portions            

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