Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 52

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          that the four officers discussed giving Wilson a share and Giongo           
          a piece.24  Hund also testified that he counted the money with              
          Cattalo and that Cattalo gave him $800 to $1,000 and that he                
          believes he saw Grove receive a share.  Taking into account that            
          Giongo was on police radio duty at the time of this search, we              
          allocate $500 to Giongo and $900 each to Wilson, Cattalo, and               
               Hitchens Summer 1983 Payment                                           
               In July of 1983, Hund received a Dunkin' Donuts bag                    
          containing $4,500 from Hitchens.  At his house, Hund counted the            
          money and removed $1,000 from the bag; when Grove arrived, Hund             
          removed another $1,000 while they discussed the matter,25 without           
          disclosing to Grove the first $1,000.  Hund told Wilson, Ryan,              
          and Cattalo that he found the bag with $2,500 under his car seat.           
          Wilson advised Hund to make an incident report and turn the bag             
          in because it could be a setup or an attempted bribe.  On July 7,           
          1983, Hund turned in the remaining $2,500, reporting the same               

          his responses in terms of who "would have" received funds.                  
          However, his testimony and that of Hund, when properly based on             
          actual knowledge, contradicted such a "policy", both as to the              
          supervisors' being included and the amounts' being equal.                   
          Therefore, we give less weight to Ryan's testimony.                         
          24   See supra note 16.                                                     
          25   According to Hund, Hitchens gave him this money to pay for             
          the repairs to his car which had been damaged in a shoot-out with           
          someone that Hitchens knew; Grove, Wilson, Cattalo, and Ryan had            
          helped Hund pay for the repairs; and Hund wanted to reimburse               
          them.  However, Hund did not want to reveal to them the source of           
          the money.                                                                  

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