Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 56

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          did not receive money from the Ferguson search.  Neither Ryan or            
          Hund testified that he saw Wilson or Giongo actually receive any            
          cash.  Wilson and Giongo were not present on the search.  We find           
          that $200 was appropriated during the Ferguson search and                   
          attribute $67 each to Grove and Cattalo.  We allocate nothing to            
          Wilson or Giongo.                                                           
               Howard and Dolores Douglas Search                                      
               On or about August 22, 1983, Hund obtained a search warrant            
          for the home of Howard and Dolores Douglas.  Grove and Hund                 
          executed the search warrant.                                                
               Respondent asserts that Grove received $700, Cattalo and               
          Wilson each $200, and Giongo $50 from money appropriated during             
          the Douglas search.  Respondent's assertion is based on Hund's              
          testimony that (1) he and Grove kept $600 to $700 each, and (2)             
          he estimates he (Hund) gave the others the amounts specified                
          above.  There was no testimony from the Douglases.  Ryan and                
          Cattalo were not on the search, nor was Wilson or Giongo.  Based            
          on the record as a whole, we do not believe that Ryan, Cattalo,             
          Wilson, or Giongo received funds from the Douglas search.  We               
          sustain respondent's assertion as to Grove.                                 
               Jacob Tesylar et al. Search                                            
               Karasinski provided Hund with information on a pending                 
          methamphetamine "cook"28 involving Jacob Tesylar (Tesylar) that             

          28   "Cooking" is the term used for manufacturing                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011