Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 61

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          assertions as to the drug proceeds received by Grove and Cattalo            
          ($300 each).                                                                
               Gerace Payment                                                         
               Sometime during 1983, Hund and Grove saw Gary Long (Long)              
          and Gerace driving in Long's car and pulled them over.  Hund                
          appropriated Gerace's gun from under the seat, and Grove grabbed            
          Long and held a gun on him.  On the basis of what Hund told him,            
          Gerace feared Grove would kill Long and he would be blamed.                 
          Gerace offered them money to settle the matter.  Grove and Hund             
          followed Gerace and Long to the house of Gerace's mother.  Gerace           
          went into his mother's house and obtained a stack of money                  
          containing at least $5,000 which he put in a brown bag and gave             
          to Hund.                                                                    
               Respondent asserts that Gerace gave Grove and Hund $5,000              
          during this incident and that Grove and Cattalo each received               
          $1,500 and Ryan $500 of that amount.  Grove and Cattalo were                
          convicted of bribery and conspiracy with respect to the Gerace              
          payment.  Gerace testified that the stack of money contained                
          either $5,000 or $10,000.  Hund testified that the amount was               
          $5,000 and that the distribution was as asserted by respondent.             
          We sustain respondent's assertions as to the amounts of the                 
          Gerace payment that Grove and Cattalo received.                             
               Hitchens December 1983 Payment                                         
               Sometime around Christmas 1983, Hitchens invited Hund and              
          Grove to his house and gave each of them $5,000.  After this,               

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