Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 57

                                       - 57 -                                         

          led to the Tesylar searches.  Gerace was in charge of the cook              
          but was not present during the searches.  On September 14, 1983,            
          Grove, Cattalo, Giongo, Hund, and Ryan, along with police                   
          officers from Abington Township, set up surveillance of Frank               
          Martino's (Martino's) home in Abington, Pennsylvania.  On that              
          date, Tesylar, Ronald Bertino (Bertino), and others were                    
          arrested, and a search of Martino's house was conducted.  After             
          midnight (on September 15, 1983), Hund obtained a search warrant            
          for Bertino's house and a search was conducted there.  Grove                
          obtained a search warrant for Tesylar's premises, which was                 
               Ryan and Grove found two grocery bags of methamphetamine in            
          the trunk of one of the cars at Martino's house and put one bag             
          into Grove's trunk.  At Bertino's house, the officers found                 
          money, methamphetamine, and lab equipment.  Hund appropriated               
          some of the money.  Some money and methamphetamine were seized              
          and turned in as evidence.  Hund and Grove appropriated a large             
          quantity of the methamphetamine, including that from Martino's              
          and from Bertino's, to Karasinski.  Karasinski sold some of the             
          methamphetamine and later returned the remainder to Hund.                   
               Respondent asserts that Grove received $9,250 ($4,000 +                
          $1,500 + $3,750) and Cattalo received $3,500 ($2,000 + $1,500)              
          from the proceeds of the sale of the drugs from the Tesylar                 
          search.  Those amounts are based on Hund's testimony that he                
          received (1) $12,000 from Karasinski of which he and Grove                  

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