Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 60

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          the cocaine to Karasinski, who cut it and sold half of the                  
          resulting amount.  Karasinski divided the proceeds with Hund and            
               Respondent asserts that $3,000 cash was appropriated during            
          the Baker search and divided up equally among Hund and                      
          petitioners.  Respondent also asserts that Grove and Cattalo each           
          received $300 from the proceeds of the sale of the drugs.  Hund             
          testified that the only money he recalled was that on Baker's               
          person, which was returned, but he also testified that he                   
          received $200 to $250 from Grove on the way back to the unit from           
          dropping off the cocaine at Karasinski's and that Grove said he             
          had portions for Ryan, Cattalo, Wilson, and Giongo.  Hund's                 
          testimony conflicted with his earlier testimony that did not                
          include Giongo as receiving any money.  Hund's testimony is also            
          conflicting in that Giongo and Wilson did not know about or share           
          in drug proceeds.  Ryan testified that he later received several            
          hundred dollars from the sale of the drugs, but he does not                 
          recall receiving any money that night.  Grove and Cattalo were              
          convicted of robbery, conspiracy, and possession of cocaine with            
          intent to distribute.  Wilson was convicted of aiding and                   
          abetting robbery and conspiracy.  Based on the above, we allocate           
          $600 each to Wilson, Cattalo, and Grove of the cash appropriated            
          from Baker.  Giongo was not present on the search.  Given the               
          questionable nature of Hund's testimony, the record does not                
          support an allocation to Giongo.  We sustain respondent's                   

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