Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 50

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          confiscated from the premises; he did not mention Pontarelli in             
          the report.                                                                 
               Respondent asserts that Grove received $1,000 and Cattalo              
          $500 from the sale of drugs taken during the Bruno/Pontarelli               
          search.  Those amounts are based on Hund's testimony that he                
          received $3,000 from Karasinski, of which he and Grove each kept            
          $1,000 and gave Ryan and Cattalo each $500.  Ryan testified that            
          he and Cattalo each received several hundred dollars a month                
          later.  With respect to those drugs, Grove was convicted of                 
          possession of cocaine with intent to distribute and aiding and              
          abetting, and Cattalo was convicted of aiding and abetting.  We             
          sustain respondent's assertions as to the amounts of the proceeds           
          of the drugs appropriated during the Bruno/Pontarelli search that           
          Grove and Cattalo received.                                                 
               James Carr Search                                                      
               On July 7, 1983, Ryan obtained a search warrant for the                
          residence of James Carr (Carr), using information supplied by               
          Hund.  The search was conducted on that date by Ryan, Grove,                
          Hund, and Cattalo.  Carr operated a variety/grocery store located           
          about 1-1/2 blocks from his residence.  Carr kept the receipts              
          from his store in a safe on the third floor of his residence.  At           
          the time of the search, the safe contained $18,505 in cash, food            
          stamps, and some personal items.  Carr had the store receipts               
          from the early part of the day, about $700, on his person; that             
          money was returned to him.  Carr was arrested.                              

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