Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 40

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          of $500 casino chips, totaling about $5,000, but that these chips           
          were not all that Hund had.  Hund testified that Karasinski                 
          cashed in $12,000 to $14,000 of chips which Hund received from              
          Wilson, and that Hund divided the cash into seven shares, one               
          each for himself, Cattalo, Grove, Ryan, Wilson, Giongo, and the             
          Captain, and distributed the shares to the respective individuals           
          at Giongo's New Year's Eve party, with Wilson accepting the                 
          shares for Cattalo and the Captain, neither of whom attended the            
          party.  Giongo and his wife testified about the party and denied            
          that any distribution of money occurred during the party.  Ryan             
          did not testify about the New Year's Eve party at all, but                  
          testified that he was away for the Hitchens search and that he              
          later received several hundred dollars from Cattalo attributed to           
          the Hitchens search.                                                        
               As for the diamonds, Karasinski saw a sack of diamonds at              
          Hund's house which he understood to be Hund's share.  Hund                  
          testified that Wilson found the diamonds, and that he (Hund)                
          later saw 13 diamonds and received two diamonds from Wilson.                
          Ryan testified that after he returned from his vacation, he,                
          Cattalo, Grove, and Hund each picked out one diamond.                       
               Based on the record as a whole, it is likely that Hund kept            
          more than his proportionate share and that Ryan received less               
          since he was not present on the search.  Faced with conflicting             
          testimony on the amounts of casino chips and how they or their              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011