Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 48

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          premises.  Ryan stayed with Roeder in the kitchen while the other           
          officers searched the house.  Ryan found $13,000 in the oven; the           
          $13,000 was returned to Roeder.  No illegal drugs were found.               
          The officers made Roeder open his safe which contained                      
          approximately $220,000 from the sale of P2P.  Ryan, at first                
          threatening to give all $220,000 to the IRS,22 reached an                   
          agreement with Roeder to split the money half for Roeder, half              
          for the officers.  Roeder was not arrested.  After the search,              
          the officers called Hund and Giongo, and all of them met for                
               At the unit after dinner, Wilson distributed portions of the           
          appropriated money.  On the daily complaint summary, Ryan typed             
          an incorrect street number for Roeder's address and omitted                 
          Roeder's name.  Ryan completed the investigation report on July             
          6, 1983, using Roeder's correct address and indicated that                  
          nothing was found and nothing was taken.  When Ryan's wife                  
          discovered where Ryan had hidden his share of the money, he                 
          explained that it was stolen money, and she deposited some of it            
          into their checking account.                                                
               Respondent asserts that Wilson, Grove, and Cattalo each                
          received $21,000 and that Giongo received $5,000 from the Roeder            
          1983 search.  Wilson, Grove, and Cattalo were convicted of                  
          bribery and conspiracy and Giongo of aiding and abetting with               

          22   The officers had planned for Grove to act as an IRS agent              
          should any money be found.                                                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011