Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 53

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          story, and an investigation ensued.  The investigating inspector            
          concluded that the proposition that the money was a set-up or a             
          bribe could not be substantiated.  The money was returned to Hund           
          at a later point not within the years in issue.  Respondent                 
          asserts Grove received $500 of the Hitchens summer 1983 payment.            
          Hund testified that he shared the second $1,000 with Grove during           
          their conversation, each taking half.  We sustain respondent's              
               Clyde Sims Search                                                      
               On July 21, 1983, Cattalo obtained a search warrant for the            
          premises of "Akeem", a.k.a. "Sam", and Cattalo, Wilson, Ryan, and           
          Grove conducted a search.  They found marijuana and $1,200, and             
          they arrested Clyde Sims (Sims).  The officers did not issue Sims           
          a money receipt for the $1,200, and they did not return the money           
          to him.                                                                     
               Respondent asserts that each petitioner received $200 from             
          the Sims search.  The total amount appropriated from Sims was               
          $1,200.  Wilson, Cattalo, and Grove were convicted of robbery and           
          conspiracy with respect to the Sims search.  Both Ryan and Hund             
          testified that they received about $200, Ryan receiving his from            
          Cattalo, and Hund, who had been on vacation, receiving his later            
          from Grove, who attributed the money to the Sims, and at least              
          one other, search.  Ryan testified that Grove, Hund, Wilson, and            
          Giongo received money, but he also testified incorrectly that               
          Hund was on the search.  We need not accept Ryan's testimony in             

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