Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 58

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          appropriated $4,000 and gave Ryan and Cattalo $2,000 each, (2) an           
          additional $6,000 from Karasinski which he split evenly with                
          Grove, Ryan, and Cattalo, and (3) $7,500 from Neil Horner through           
          Charles Scanzella which he split with Grove.  Gerace testified              
          about the amounts of drugs to be manufactured and those stored.             
          Karasinski testified that he received 50 pounds of drugs from               
          these combined searches and that he sold some of the drugs, but             
          he did not testify as to the amounts of the proceeds.  Neither              
          Scanzella nor Horner testified.  Ryan testified that he received            
          several thousand dollars from the sale of the drugs.  Grove and             
          Cattalo were convicted of possession of methamphetamine with                
          intent to distribute and aiding and abetting.  We find Cattalo              
          received $3,500 and Grove $5,550 from the Tesylar search drug               
          proceeds; i.e., the proceeds coming from Karasinski, but not                
          including those from Scanzella.                                             
               Daniel Gonzales Search                                                 
               On October 20, 1983, Daniel Gonzales was arrested by Hund,             
          Grove, and Giongo at the bus terminal at 17th and Market Streets.           
          Two bags of white powder were seized.  The arrest was the result            
          of a setup initiated when Hund received information from Neil               
          Horner.  Hund or Grove cut the cocaine, submitted some as                   
          evidence, and gave the remainder to Horner.  Horner gave Hund               
          $3,000 for the cocaine he received.                                         
               Respondent asserts, on the basis of Hund's testimony, that             
          Grove received $1,000 and Cattalo $500 of the total $3,000                  

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