Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 62

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          during late December 1983 or early 1984, Hund notified Hitchens             
          of a search planned for his residence.  Hund instructed Hitchens            
          to leave $5,000, supposedly for Wilson, on his dresser and to be            
          present at the house.  Wilson did not know Hitchens had been                
          warned.  Wilson, Ryan, Cattalo, Hund, and Grove searched the                
          residence.  During the search, Hund appropriated the money from             
          the dresser.                                                                
               Respondent asserts that Grove received $5,000 from Hitchens            
          in December 1983.  Grove was convicted of bribery and conspiracy            
          for this payment.  We find that Grove received the $5,000.                  
          II. Fraud                                                                   
               For the years in issue, section 6653(b) imposes an addition            
          to tax of 50 percent of the underpayment of tax if any part of              
          the underpayment is due to fraud, plus an amount equal to 50                
          percent of the interest on the portion of the underpayment                  
          attributable to fraud.  Respondent has the burden of proving                
          fraud by clear and convincing evidence.  Sec. 7454(a); Rule                 
          142(b); Estate of Mazzoni v. Commissioner, 451 F.2d 197, 201 (3d            
          Cir. 1971), affg. T.C. Memo. 1970-37; Cochrane v. Commissioner,             
          107 T.C. 18 (1996).  Absent a finding of fraud, section 6501                
          precludes the assessment and collection of the alleged                      
          deficiencies in and additions to tax for the years in issue.                
               For the addition to tax under section 6653(b)(1) to apply,             
          the Commissioner must establish (1) an underpayment of taxes for            
          each year and (2) that some part of the underpayment is due to              

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