Leo M. Ryan, et al. - Page 49

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          respect to such search.  Wilson and Cattalo also were convicted             
          of perjury for their testimony at the trial in Ryan's criminal              
          case regarding the amounts of money found and for denying that              
          money was taken.  Hund testified that he received $17,000 from              
          Wilson and that Wilson said that he would give Giongo and the               
          Captain $5,000 each.  Ryan testified that after returning to the            
          unit after dinner, he received about $18,000 to $22,000 from                
          Wilson, and that Wilson said that the two piles of money on his             
          desk were for Giongo and "the boss".  Ryan also testified that he           
          saw Cattalo receive money.  Neither Hund nor Ryan saw Wilson                
          giving money to anyone else.  Ryan testified that he confirmed              
          with Hund and Grove the amounts they received, and with Giongo              
          that the latter received something.  Ryan did not testify as to             
          what the amounts were.  On the basis of the evidence linking                
          petitioners to the funds appropriated during the Roeder 1983                
          Search, we sustain respondent's assertions.                                 
               John Bruno/Nicholas Pontarelli Search                                  
               On June 17, 1983, Cattalo obtained a search warrant for the            
          premises of John Bruno, and Cattalo, Ryan, Grove, and Hund                  
          conducted a search.  Hund found a small and a large bag of                  
          cocaine in Nicholas Pontarelli's (Pontarelli's) car; the small              
          bag was returned to Pontarelli.  Hund and Grove took the large              
          bag and gave it to Karasinski who paid them for it.  The proceeds           
          were shared among Hund, Grove, Ryan, and Cattalo.  Cattalo                  
          completed the investigation report stating one white tablet was             

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