Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 265

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          Sale" under which the Thompsons apparently took back a purchase             
          money mortgage on the property.  The Thompsons continued to                 
          participate in the Bauspar program until 1986 when the Sheas                
          decided to sell the Wahiawa property to a third party.                      
               On January 30, 1985, Mr. Kersting sent Mr. Thompson a                  
          schedule listing the interest payments that Mr. Thompson had made           
          during 1984 as follows:                                                     
          Payee                          Amount                                       
          Bauspar, Inc.                      $6,420.00                                
          Paragon Investments, Inc.              9,611.04                             
          Citizens Financial, Inc.              14,400.00                             
               Upon sale of the Wahiawa property by the Sheas in 1986,                
          Bauspar received a check in the amount of $75,511.74 in                     
          satisfaction of the principal amount remaining due on the                   
          Thompsons' loan from Bauspar.                                               
               2.   Deterioration of Thompson/Kersting Relationship                   
               While working on the Thompsons' estate plan, Mr. Huestis               
          asked Mr. Kersting for an accounting of the Thompsons'                      
          investments in Kersting programs.  By letter dated March 3, 1986,           
          Mr. Kersting responded by providing Mr. Huestis a summary list of           
          the Kersting programs that the Thompsons had participated in                
          during 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, and 1981.  By letter dated                   
          March 12, 1986, Mr. Huestis informed Mr. Kersting that the                  
          Thompsons wished to terminate their participation in all Kersting           
          programs and obtain a complete accounting of their investments.             
          Mr. Huestis also requested that all future communications                   

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