Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 294

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          May 22, 1987 letter, Mr. Kersting objected to Chicoine and                  
          Hallett's recommendation of a 20-percent settlement in pertinent            
          part as follows:                                                            
               As I have done several times now I ask you again NOT to                
               communicate to anyone of my friends a prospect of a 20%                
               settlement.  The 50% flop has left a $40,000.00 to                     
               $50,000.00 scar with us.  It was a lesson I will take                  
               with me to the other side.  I trust that you have                      
               reconsidered by now your position in the matter and                    
               that you will NOT go into an adverse stance to me and                  
               my enterprises.  I assure you that the jolt of April                   
               27th has not worn off yet.                                             
               On June 10, 1987, Mr. Kersting forwarded to Mr. Chicoine a             
          letter that he had received from Mr. DeCastro pertaining to a               
          settlement that Mr. DeCastro purportedly negotiated on behalf of            
          Boyd S. and Jeannette F. Proctor.  By letter dated June 16, 1987,           
          Mr. Chicoine responded to Mr. Kersting, stating that he was                 
          satisfied that the Proctors did not receive a settlement in                 
          excess of 50 percent as Mr. Kersting had suggested because the              
          figures in question did not include the Proctors' liability for             
          statutory interest.  Mr. Chicoine concluded that the settlement             
          was in the range of a 14-percent reduction of the Proctors'                 
               On November 4, 1987, Mr. Kersting sent Mr. Hallett a letter            
          which states in pertinent part:                                             
                    Here I asked you about a year ago to defend my                    
               friends, here I had high hopes and reasonable                          
               expectation that you would work with us, that we would                 
               work on consensus and to the common benefit of my                      
               friends and here I find that you not only do not care                  
               to do that, you are actually moving into an adversary                  
               position.  And this after I have paid you an enormous                  
               amount of legal fees and after I have disciplined                      
               myself over and over again to keep my temper as I                      

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