Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 287

                                       - 79 -                                         

          offer in one significant respect.  Specifically, by September               
          1986, Mr. McWade and Mr. Seery had agreed to modify the 7-percent           
          settlement offer to incorporate a new feature they called the               
          "shelter burnout" that would apply in cases involving more than 1           
          taxable year.  The shelter burnout feature grew out of Mr.                  
          Seery's contention that Mr. Kersting's programs could be viewed             
          as a tax deferral mechanism.40  Mr. McWade agreed with Mr. Seery,           
          for settlement purposes, to allow a shifting of the initial                 
          year's deficiency to a later year as a "shelter burnout".  For              
          example, in a case involving 2 taxable years, the taxpayer's                
          liability for statutory interest under section 6601 was computed            
          under the modified 7-percent settlement offer by treating the               
          taxpayer's tax liability for the earlier of the 2 years as having           
          been incurred on the due date for payment of tax for the later              
          year.  Under this approach, the total amount of the taxpayer's              
          underlying tax deficiencies remained the same, but the taxpayer's           
          liability for interest on the deficiencies was reduced by the               
          amount of such interest that otherwise would have accrued on the            
          deficiency for the earlier year of the 2-year period.  Variations           
          of this approach were used in cases involving more than 2 taxable           
          years.  The modified 7-percent settlement offer negotiated by               

          40  In Dixon II, the Court considered and rejected the                      
          argument that Mr. Kersting's programs resulted in mere tax                  
          deferral.  The Court arrived at this conclusion through a                   
          detailed analysis of the Cravenses' tax returns for 1979 and                
          1980.  See Dixon II, 62 T.C.M. (CCH) at 1483-1484, 1991 T.C.M.              
          (RIA), at 91-3026.                                                          

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