Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 283

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          of litigation to determine an appropriate project settlement                
          offer.  Upon determination of the project settlement offer, the             
          terms of the offer are reported to the Tax Shelter Branch in the            
          National Office for dissemination to Internal Revenue Service               
          field offices (particularly the examination and appeals                     
          functions) throughout the country to ensure that similarly                  
          situated taxpayers are treated consistently.                                
               Once a tax shelter project is assigned to a particular                 
          District Counsel office, that office has the authority to settle            
          any individual case in the project.  District Counsel generally             
          is expected to adhere to the official project settlement offer.             
          Nevertheless, District Counsel has the authority in special                 
          circumstances to settle individual tax shelter project cases on a           
          basis different from the project settlement offer.  For example,            
          District Counsel could deny a project settlement offer to the               
          shelter promoter or a participant who had helped to market the              
          program.  In addition, District Counsel might eliminate an                  
          addition to tax (such as negligence) because of the participant's           
          lack of education or sophistication in financial matters.                   
               District Counsel can alter or modify an official project               
          settlement offer without prior approval of the National Office.             
          However, District Counsel is required to notify the Tax Shelter             
          Branch of any change or modification to the official project                
          settlement offer in order to allow the Tax Shelter Branch to                
          disseminate the revised offer to Internal Revenue Service offices           
          throughout the country.                                                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011