Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 277

                                       - 69 -                                         

          Messrs. Alexander, Kozak, and Matsumoto had contacted Mr. McWade            
          to discuss whether the Government would pay a finder's fee                  
          for information pertaining to Mr. Kersting's programs.                      
          Mr. Alexander's discussions with Mr. McWade on the subject of               
          a finder's fee are discussed in greater detail, infra pp. 106-              
               In a letter dated July 24, 1987, Mr. Kersting brought his              
          dispute with Alexander to the attention of Chicoine and Hallett,            
          stating as follows:                                                         
               Dear Darrell:                                                          
               I have spent the better part of this week in                           
               arbitration hearings concerning a case whereby we are                  
               attempting to accomplish an offset of debt owed us by a                
               Mr. Denis Alexander against certain obligations we have                
               to him.  The matter has been going on for more than six                
               years and has become sheer agony.                                      
               During the course of the proceedings, however, certain                 
               matters came to the surface which will become apparent                 
               to you as you will read the enclosed material.  The                    
               material will disclose a conspiracy between McWade,                    
               DEnis [sic] Alexander, an accountant by the name of                    
               Gilbert Matsumoto and an attorney by the name of                       
               Charles Kozak.                                                         
               Here are some short facts to illuminate the case:                      
               DEnis [sic] Alexander was a long-time friend going back                
               more than 25 years, until we locked horns over the debt                
               referred to above.                                                     
               Gilbert Matsumoto is an accountant who was for years                   
               the tax preparer for our Finance Company in Aiea,                      
               Federated Finance Company, and for about 10 to 14 of                   
               our clients which we had referred to him.  He had given                
               me an opinion with respect to the viability of the                     
               SubChapter S concept which we employed in the mid-70s                  
               for our Leasing Companies.  He, in fact, did the filing                
               of SubChapter S qualification forms for us with the IRS                
               in Fresno, Calif. and did some of the Tax Returns.  I                  

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