Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 276

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          $80,000 to Mr. Kersting's subchapter S leasing corporations in              
          the 1970's.                                                                 
               In 1977, Mr. Alexander, a minority shareholder of First                
          Savings, met with Mr. Kersting to discuss the possible                      
          acquisition of the company.  Mr. Alexander participated in the              
          acquisition of First Savings and added to his First Savings stock           
          holdings in the process.  Mr. Alexander participated in certain             
          Kersting programs at issue in Dixon II during the taxable years             
          1974 through 1977.                                                          
               In 1980, Mr. Alexander brought suit against Mr. Kersting               
          in Hawaii State court seeking the repayment or return of                    
          approximately $450,000 that Mr. Alexander claimed he had lent to            
          or invested with Mr. Kersting.  Mr. Kozak initially represented             
          Mr. Alexander in this litigation.  Mr. Kersting and/or his                  
          companies eventually filed counterclaims in excess of $4 million            
          against Mr. Alexander.  Mr. Moseley represented Mr. Kersting in             
          the Alexander litigation.                                                   
               In March 1982, Mr. Alexander received a telephone call from            
          Internal Revenue Service Special Agents George Scott and Mike               
          Duncan, who were interested in questioning Mr. Alexander                    
          regarding Mr. Kersting's various programs.  The record does not             
          reflect whether Mr. Alexander ever agreed to be questioned by the           
               The Alexander/Kersting litigation eventually was submitted             
          to arbitration during a week-long proceeding in July 1987.                  
          During the arbitration proceeding, Mr. Kersting discovered that             

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