Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 292

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                    1.  I have not settled any of the Kersting cases                  
               with you.                                                              
                    2.  The government has not made any new, blanket                  
               offer to settle these cases (other than our old 7%                     
               offer); nor has the government made any offer to wholly                
               or partially concede any of the issues presented by                    
               these cases.  To the extent that you may disagree with                 
               this statement, any such offer of concession that you                  
               believe has been made by me or any other government                    
               official is hereby withdrawn.                                          
                    3.  We do not have a workable basis for settlement                
               of any case or any group of cases.  If you should                      
               attempt to represent to the Court that you have such a                 
               basis, either in order to obtain a continuance of the                  
               trials in this matter or to attempt to force the                       
               government into unagreed-to settlements or concessions,                
               I will dispute this firmly.                                            
          Before the start of the Maui session, Judge Goffe held a chambers           
          conference with Messrs. Chicoine, Hallett, Sims, McWade, O'Neill,           
          and DeCastro.  Although Mr. Chicoine told Judge Goffe that the              
          parties had reached a basis of settlement, Mr. Sims denied that             
          there was a settlement.  Mr. Sims said that he had "pulled                  
          the plug" on a proposed 50-percent settlement because                       
          Mr. Kersting had interfered with the negotiations.                          
               4.  Revival of 20-Percent Settlement Offer                             
               During spring 1987, Mr. Chicoine continued to explore with             
          Mr. McWade the possibility of a global settlement.  By letter               
          dated April 13, 1987, Mr. Chicoine provided Kersting program                
          participants with a detailed status report addressing                       
          developments at the Maui session as well as settlement                      
          negotiations.  Mr. Chicoine's letter also stated that the firm's            
          representation of nontest case taxpayers was not intended to                
          extend to general representation in all matters but was limited             

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