Jerry and Patricia A. Dixon, et al - Page 290

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               3.   Negotiations for 50-Percent Settlement Offer                      
               In January 1987, Messrs. Sims and Chicoine continued their             
          efforts to negotiate a settlement of the Kersting project cases.            
          Initially, their discussions concerned a higher percentage                  
          settlement if Mr. Kersting would agree to quit the tax shelter              
          business.  They eventually abandoned their discussions to link              
          the settlement offer with Mr. Kersting's future conduct.                    
          By letter dated January 16, 1987, Mr. Chicoine notified                     
          Mr. Kersting that he believed he had arrived at an agreement with           
          Mr. Sims to settle all the Kersting cases docketed in the Tax               
          Court by allowing 50 percent of the claimed interest deductions.            
          Mr. Chicoine's letter further states that Chicoine and Hallett              
          would agree to represent Kersting program participants desiring             
          to settle their cases on these terms for a flat fee of $550 per             
               On January 19, 1987, Mr. Kersting wrote a letter to program            
          participants stating that a 50-percent settlement had been                  
          negotiated.  Mr. Kersting recommended that the 50-percent                   
          settlement be accepted; he included with his letter a form for              
          program participants to use to authorize Chicoine and Hallett to            
          represent them for purposes of settlement.  As a result of                  
          Mr. Kersting's letter, approximately 300 Kersting program                   
          participants contacted Chicoine and Hallett seeking                         

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