Estate of James Waldo Hendrickson - Page 55

                                        - 55 -                                         
                                Guideline method ratios                                
                          Price/earnings    Price/book    Price/assets                 
                         multiple       ratio               ratio                     
                    Mean       11.20     120.50%             11.90%                    
                    Median     10.40     110.30              12.10                     
                    High       15.40     171.50              16.30                     
                    Low        6.70      72.10               6.40                      
                    Mean       9.16      124.14              10.38                     
                    Median     8.64      124.87              9.95                      
                    High       16.40     167.76              15.00                     
                    Low        2.74      76.19               5.41                      
                    Mean       6.42      54.73               n/a                       
                    Median     6.45      52.74               18.52                     
                    High       6.47      82.05               37.60                     
                    Low        6.35      32.38               9.50                      
          Based on the data of their respective guideline companies,                   
          Messrs. Fuller and Magee chose the following ratios to value the             
          estate shares:                                                               
                             Guideline method ratios used                              
                             in valuing the estate shares                              
                    Price/earnings        Price/book    Price/assets                   
               Fuller     14.13*         153.7%         12.3%                          
               Magee      5.5            65.0%        not used                         
               * Calculated, but not used in actual valuation                          
               Differences in perception are common in questions of                    
          valuation.  The differing ratios chosen by Messrs. Fuller and                
          Magee to value the estate shares reveal an extreme divergence of             
          views.  All three ratios used by Mr. Fuller exceed the respective            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011