Baine P. and Mildred C. Kerr - Page 30

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               C.  Objective Economic Analysis                                        
               The objective economic realities underlying the transfers to           
          the GRAT’s trustees do not support petitioners' position that the           
          transferred interests should be considered assignee interests.              
          First, and perhaps most importantly, there were no significant              
          differences under the KFLP partnership agreement between the rights         
          of limited partners and assignees.  Petitioners were vested with            
          managerial responsibilities for KFLP; neither limited partners nor          
          assignees had any managerial rights.  In addition, limited partners         
          and assignees enjoyed equivalent rights to information concerning           
          the partnership's business affairs, and they shared the same                
          interests in the partnership's distributable cash.  Finally, while          
          limited partners were permitted to put or sell their interests to           
          the partnership under section 9.02 of the partnership agreement,            
          assignees were given a substantially equivalent right to offer              
          their interests to the partnership under sections 8.04 and 8.21 of          
          the partnership agreement.                                                  
               The only relevant difference between the rights of limited             
          partners and assignees relates to a limited partner's right to vote         
          on major decisions--a right not extended to assignees.  However,            
          given the rare and extraordinary nature of the matters qualifying           
          as a major decision, such as the filing of a bankruptcy petition or         
          approving an act in contravention of the partnership agreement, we          

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Last modified: May 25, 2011