Baine P. and Mildred C. Kerr - Page 36

                                       - 36 -                                         
          valuation rules in H.R. 5835, 101st Cong., 2d Sess. (1990)--the             
          House bill underlying OBRA 1990.  Provisions for special valuation          
          rules first appeared in S. 3209, 101st Cong., 2d Sess. (1990)--the          
          text of which the Senate adopted in lieu of the language passed by          
          the House in H.R. 5835.  S. 3209, section 7210(a), included new             
          section 2704, which provided in pertinent part as follows:                  
               Treatment of Certain Restrictions and Lapsing Rights.–-                
                    For purposes of this subtitle, the value of any                   
               property shall be determined–-                                         
                    (1) without regard to any restriction other than a                
               restriction which by its terms will never lapse * * *                  
               The broad language of the Senate version of section 2704 did           
          not survive the ensuing conference between the House and Senate             
          managers of the legislation.  Unfortunately, there is no meaningful         
          explanation of the detailed language or concepts that were made a           
          part of section 2704 as finally enacted.  H. Conf. Rept. 101-964,           
          at 1137 (1990), 1991-2 C.B. 560, 606, states in pertinent part:             
               Treatment of certain restrictions and lapsing rights                   
                    In general                                                        
                    The conference agreement modifies the provision in                
               the Senate amendment regarding the effect of certain                   
               restrictions and lapsing rights upon the value of an                   
               interest in a partnership or corporation.  These rules                 
               are intended to prevent results similar to that of Estate              
               of Harrison v. Commissioner, 52 T.C.M. (CCH) 1306 (1987).              
               These rules do not affect minority discounts or other                  
               discounts available under present law.  The conferees                  
               intend that no inference be drawn regarding the transfer               
               tax effect of restrictions and lapsing rights under                    
               present law.                                                           

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