Baine P. and Mildred C. Kerr - Page 31

                                       - 31 -                                         
          do not consider a limited partner's right to vote on such matters           
          to be significant for purposes of deciding the question presented.          
               We further note that petitioners retained the right to vote            
          the limited partnership interests and petitioners and the Kerr              
          children had the ability to convert the purported assignee                  
          interests to full limited partnership interests or liquidate the            
          partnership at will.  To characterize the interests that                    
          petitioners transferred to the GRAT’s trustees as assignee                  
          interests ignores the objective economic reality that there was no          
          meaningful difference between the transfer of an assignee interest          
          as opposed to a limited partnership interest.                               
               D.  Tax Motivation                                                     
               The record shows that Eastland structured petitioners'                 
          transfers to the GRAT’s trustees primarily to avoid the special             
          valuation rules set forth in section 2704(b).  Eastland's writings          
          on the subject of family limited partnerships disclose his belief           
          that the transfer of an assignee interest from one family member to         
          another would serve to circumvent section 2704(b).  Accepting               
          petitioner's testimony that he did not consider whether he was              
          transferring a limited partnership interest as opposed to an                
          assignee interest to his GRAT’s, it appears that Eastland made a            
          conscious decision not to raise the subject with his clients.               

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