Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 45

                                       - 45 -                                         
             the Tax Opinion states that it relies upon the Appraisal                 
             regarding the residual value of the equipment and cash-                  
             flow therefrom on or after the end of the master leases,                 
             despite the failure of the Appraisal to provide any such                 
             determination.  Considering the problems that we noted in                
             the documents relating to this transaction, which are                    
             described above, we do not believe that it would be                      
             reasonable for an investor to rely on the Tax Opinion,                   
             nor do we believe that an investor who did so would be                   
             acting in good faith.  See Mele v. Commissioner, T.C.                    
             Memo. 1988-409.                                                          
                  Second, according to the testimony of petitioner                    
             and five other unitholders, at least 10 partners of the                  
             accounting firm were actively involved in analyzing the                  
             Investment Memorandum and the other documents relating to                
             the subject investment.  Mr. Crumlish also testified that                
             "associates" of the accounting firm were involved in                     
             "looking at the projections and making sure that those                   
             projections were, you know, properly calculated and that                 
             the assumptions weren't unreasonable and that type of                    
             thing."  Notwithstanding that alleged scrutiny by                        
             sophisticated accountants and lawyers, none of the unit-                 
             holders who testified at the first trial detected any                    
             of the problems with the Appraisal, the Tax Opinion,                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011