Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 53

                                       - 53 -                                         
                  A.   Atkins and Biggs advised me that the 3081                      
                       useful life could be, and would likely be in                   
                       the range of 10 to 15 years.  So, I believe,                   
                       in my mind, I was using 12 years, in my                        
                       assessment of what we might realize on the                     
                       residuals at the end of the leases.                            

                  We cannot find as a fact that petitioners relied                    
             upon tax advice from petitioner's partner, Mr. Gerver.                   
             Mr. Gerver testified as follows:                                         

                  Q.   Did you write that out, give that in                           
                       writing? Did you give the tax opinion in                       
                  A.   If I'm giving an opinion, I have to put it                     
                       in writing.  An oral opinion, as you know,                     
                       isn't worth the paper it's written on.                         
                  Q.   Did you give a tax opinion in this case?                       
                  A.   To who?                                                        
                  Q.   To Petitioner?                                                 
                  A.   No, we spoke about it.  I discussed it with                    
                       him and I told him that, from what I could                     
                       see, the tax issues were the ones that were                    
                       familiar to me, I didn't think that there                      
                       was any tax issue that we had to be con-                       
                       cerned about that they did not cover, but                      
                       they didn't cover such as, for example, the                    
                       opinion, as I recall, makes no mention that                    
                       this is a transaction entered into for                         
                       profit.  I said I felt that since that's                       
                       where we were going, everything was a                          
                       transaction entered into for profit, and I                     
                       didn't think we need an opinion to that                        
                  Q.   So you gave nothing to the taxpayer in                         
                       writing, is that correct?                                      
                  A.   No.                                                            

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