Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 57

                                       - 57 -                                         

             Motion in Limine                                                         
                  Respondent objects to the testimony of petitioners'                 
             "expert" witnesses, Mr. Raynault and Professor Mundstock,                
             on the ground that, if they are fact witnesses, then their               
             testimony is not acceptable under rule 602 of the Federal                
             Rules of Evidence, because they have no personal knowledge               
             of the facts at issue and, if they are "expert witnesses",               
             then their testimony is not admissible under rule 702 of                 
             the Federal Rules of Evidence, because it would not assist               
             the trier of fact.  We agree.                                            
                  Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence provides as               

                  If scientific, technical, or other specialized                      
                  knowledge will assist the trier of fact to                          
                  understand the evidence or to determine a fact                      
                  in issue, a witness qualified as an expert by                       
                  knowledge, skill, experience, training, or                          
                  education, may testify thereto in the form of                       
                  an opinion or otherwise.                                            

             The report and testimony of neither of the witnesses who                 
             testified on petitioners' behalf at the second trial                     
             involved "scientific, technical, or other specialized                    
             knowledge" that would assist the Court as "the trier of                  
             fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in                
             issue".  Fed. R. Evid. 702.  The burden of Mr. Raynault's                
             report and testimony is that the documents supplied to                   

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