Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 58

                                       - 58 -                                         
             the unitholders of the Roscrea Trust, consisting of the                  
             Investment Memorandum, the Projections, the Tax Opinion,                 
             and the Appraisal, were "reasonable and consistent" with                 
             the documents supplied by other "packagers" of similar                   
             investments, and the activities undertaken by the                        
             unitholders to review and investigate the subject invest-                
             ment were "reasonable and consistent" with what other                    
             investors did.  Mr. Raynault does not acknowledge any of                 
             the problems identified by the Court.  His report and                    
             analysis are simply an extension of the argument made by                 
             petitioners' counsel.                                                    
                  Similarly, the gist of the report and testimony of                  
             Professor Mundstock is that the Tax Opinion provided in the              
             Investment Memorandum "addressed the issues which were then              
             the focus of the community of tax professionals who advised              
             investors in such transactions" and the opinions stated                  
             therein "were consistent with the opinions experienced                   
             tax counsel were providing to investors in similar invest-               
             ments".  Professor Mundstock also fails to acknowledge any               
             of the problems identified by the Court and described                    
                  Our rejection of petitioners' position that they are                
             not liable for the additions to tax under sections 6653(a)               
             and 6661 is based entirely upon the factual record made                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011