Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 63

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             years (1982-85) against "phantom income" reported in later               
             years from the Trust transaction is consistent with our                  
             holding in Robertson I.  In Kazi v. Commissioner, T.C.                   
             Memo. 1991-37, affd. without published opinion sub nom.                  
             Massey v. Commissioner, 950 F.2d 723 (3d Cir. 1991), the                 
             Court refused to accept the taxpayers' argument that the                 
             deficiency attributable to a straddle loss should be                     
             reduced by the amount of any tax paid on the corresponding               
             straddle gain reported in a subsequent year.  The Court                  
                  Our holding * * * that the straddle transactions                    
                  were shams in substance does not imply that the                     
                  loss reported in one year must be offset by the                     
                  corresponding gain reported in a subsequent year.                   
                  Therefore, the elimination of the gain and loss                     
                  legs in the year each gain or loss was reported                     
                  gives full effect to our holding that the                           
                  straddle transactions were shams.  [Id.]                            

                  As mentioned above, petitioners also argue that                     
             respondent's computation is wrong because it fails to                    
             recognize petitioners' cash investment of $57,420 in the                 
             Roscrea Trust.  They contend that, according to the Court's              
             opinion, petitioners acquired a partial interest in the                  
             computer equipment, and they are entitled to depreciation                
             deductions with respect to the amount of their actual cash               
             investment.  We disagree.                                                

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