Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 51

                                       - 51 -                                         
                  Q.   Sir, you spoke about the particular equip-                     
                       ment that you were considering investing in.                   
                       Did you reach any conclusions with respect                     
                       to the potential useful life of that                           
                  A.   Well, my conclusions were that the useful                      
                       life would be in excess of 10 years for                        
                       the equipment that was in question.                            

             Mr. Biggs did not explain whether his judgment regarding                 
             the useful life of the equipment "in excess of 10 years"                 
             applied to each piece of equipment or was an average of                  
             some kind.  He also did not state when the useful life                   
             began.  For example, a 10-year useful life of the IBM 3081               
             which, according to his testimony, was introduced in 1980                
             would mean that the end of the useful life was in 1990,                  
             the expiration of the master leases.  This suggests that                 
             the IBM 3081 would have little or no residual value upon                 
             expiration of the master leases.                                         
                  Similarly, Mr. Atkins testified regarding the                       
             "economic life" of the IBM 3081 as follows:                              

                  Q.   Can you put a--Did you determine or have an                    
                       opinion about the length of the economic                       
                       life that could be forecast for this IBM                       
                       equipment; again focusing on the IBM 3081?                     
                  A.   I think the 3081 will have a life cycle of                     
                       about 10 years in the market place.  That                      
                       does not mean that all of them sold will be                    
                       there 10 years later, but there will be                        
                       enough in the market place there.  They'll                     
                       still be on lease.                                             

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