Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 54

                                       - 54 -                                         
                  Q.   Did you give a tax opinion to the trust in                     
                       this case?                                                     
                  A.   No I wasn't asked for an opinion from the                      
                       trust.  When I came to the trust it was as                     
                       an investor.                                                   

             Mr. Gerver further testified it was not necessary for him                
             to render a separate opinion regarding the tax consequences              
             of the investment because he "felt that everything was                   
             covered more than adequately by the opinion that had been                
             provided by Austrian."                                                   
                  As we understand Mr. Gerver's testimony, he approached              
             the subject investment "as an investor" and, while he dis-               
             cussed the investment with petitioner, he did not undertake              
             to render professional advice to petitioner.  He never put               
             his analysis of the investment in writing, and the record                
             does not suggest that petitioner paid Mr. Gerver to advise               
                  Moreover, there is no evidence in the record that                   
             Mr. Gerver raised with petitioner or anyone else the                     
             problems with the documentation of the investment that are               
             described above.  To the contrary, he testified at trial                 
             that he read the Tax Opinion "carefully" and that he also                
             read the Appraisal, the Projections, and the Investment                  
             Memorandum.  Despite the obvious problems and questions                  
             that readily appear from a review of these documents,                    

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