Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 50

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                  Q.   How do you--how did you come to a judgment?                    
                  A.   As I've stated on--previously, in looking at                   
                       what I think the value of the equipment is                     
                       and the value of it being on lease, and the                    
                       fact that it was going to be a long-term                       
                       lease, that's the value that I placed on it.                   
                  Q.   Did you look at any particular documents?                      
                  A.   No.                                                            
                  Q.   Reports?                                                       
                  A.   No.                                                            
                  Q.   Did you look at anything, such as the IDC                      
                  A.   No.                                                            
                  Q.   Did you look at any computer economic                          
                       residual value services?                                       
                  A.   No, I didn't.                                                  
                  Q.   Did you look at Gartner Services?                              
                  A.   Gartner.  Not at that time.                                    

             Mr. Biggs testified that he paid little or no attention to               
             the Appraisal of the subject equipment.                                  
                  The subject equipment included a large mainframe, the               
             IBM 3081, a smaller central processor, the IBM 4341, and                 
             peripheral equipment, such as disk drives, that was                      
             manufactured by Control Data Corp.  Mr. Biggs testified                  
             regarding the useful life of the subject computer equipment              
             as follows:                                                              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011