United Parcel Service of America - Page 10

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          when a shipper declared the value of the package to be in excess            
          of $100.                                                                    
               Under the tariff, shippers could also elect to purchase                
          accessorial services that had additional charges.  Accessorial              
          services included, among other things, collection on delivery               
          (COD) and acknowledgment of delivery (AOD).                                 
               With respect to damaged and unclaimed property, the tariffs            
          provided the following:                                                     
                           DAMAGED AND UNCLAIMED PROPERTY                             
               Whenever property is damaged by the carrier in the                     
               course of transportation, the carrier will tender the                  
               damaged property to the shipper and offer to pay for                   
               the damage, not to exceed the actual or declared value                 
               of the property, whichever is the lower.  If the                       
               shipper so elects, the carrier will pay the full actual                
               or declared value of the property, whichever is lower,                 
               and title of the property shall thereupon pass to the                  
          Thus, petitioner was obligated to shippers under the tariffs to             
          pay up to the actual or declared value for loss or damages caused           
          by petitioner during the course of transporting the package.                
          Petitioner applied for and received from the ICC an order                   
          generally allowing petitioner and its shippers to agree in                  
          writing that petitioner's liability would be limited to a                   
          released value not exceeding $100 per package.  With respect to             
          the released rate and EVC, the tariff provided as follows:                  
               To determine rates in this tariff:                                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011