United Parcel Service of America - Page 35

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          1, 1983, that summarized the purpose and content of the February            
          24 meeting at Briarcliff Manor.  The memorandum states:                     
               The purpose of this meeting was to consider Frank B.                   
               Hall's proposal presented to * * * [petitioner] last                   
               September 1982 which dealt with the feasibility of                     
               creating a subsidiary insurance company.  The subject                  
               reviewed in the report dealt with declared value                       
               insurance and the utilization of an insurance                          
               subsidiary to handle customer risk of loss on property                 
               in transit.                                                            
               The topics discussed in our Thursday meeting focused                   
               strictly on the declared value program and the                         
               viability of converting this into an insured plan that                 
               would produce, in the final analysis, an improved                      
               economic result for * * * [petitioner].  The report                    
               submitted by Hall dealt with the organization of a                     
               United Parcel insurance subsidiary company.  This new                  
               insurance entity would assume reinsurance from a                       
               licensed admitted US carrier who would underwrite the                  
               declared value program.                                                
               During the February 24 meeting, petitioner's tax counsel,              
          Mr. Dougherty, expressed concern with the specifics of the Hall             
          proposal, and he believed that the proposal would not be viewed             
          favorably by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  Mr. Dougherty             
          suggested an alternative whereby petitioner would form an                   
          insurance company in Bermuda to be owned by petitioner's                    
          employees and, in this manner, such a company would be classified           
          as a noncontrolled foreign corporation.  Mr. Dougherty believed             
          that the Bermuda insurance company could accept reinsurance of a            
          licensed U.S. underwriter directly and not have U.S. tax                    
          obligations on profits until risk funds were repatriated.                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011