United Parcel Service of America - Page 36

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               After all the alternatives were discussed, it was agreed               
          that petitioner would pursue the alternative to create an                   
          insurance subsidiary to act as a reinsurer.  Further, the                   
          insurance subsidiary would be owned by petitioner, and                      
          ultimately, petitioner might adopt a long-range strategy of                 
          transferring ownership in such a company to petitioner's                    
          shareholders.  Finally, it was agreed that Mr. Danielewski and              
          other members of the UPS team would submit a proposal to senior             
          management based on the following financial projections, as                 
          stated in Mr. Corde's March 1, 1983, memorandum:                            
                                  UPS CURRENT POSITION                                
                   Projected 1983 Declared Value Revenue$69,900,000                    
                   Estimated 1983 Losses              $21,400,000                    
                    Pretax Profit                      $48,500,000                    
                    Net After Tax Profit               $26,190,000                    
               B-Alternative Program:                                                 
                    1.   Insured Declared Value Program (U.S. Front)                  
                         Estimated Annual Premium      $69,900,000                    
                        *Estimated Expenses (6.5)      $4,485,000                    
                         Net Underwriting Income       $65,415,000                    
                    2.   UPS Insurance Subsidiary                                     
                         Foreign Reinsurance Premium Income $65,415,000               
                         Ceding Commission - 2-1/2%    $1,747,500                     
                         Net Premium Income            $63,667,500                    
                         Expected Losses               $21,400,000                    
                         Underwriting Profit           $42,267,500                    
                    C:   Projected Benefit to * * *                                   
          [Petitioner]                                 $16,077,500                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011