United Parcel Service of America - Page 38

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          respect to the anticipated risk or exposure to AIG, the letter              
               The Shippers Interest Program is to be 100% reinsured                  
               to Union International/Hamilton, Bermuda.  Union will                  
               then retrocede this risk to other insurers.  This,                     
               therefore, would leave the shippers interest issuing                   
               carrier in a "fronting" capacity with essentially no                   
               risk or exposure to loss under the program.                            
          Finally, the letter requested that AIG submit a proposal on                 
          petitioner's Shippers Interest Program setting forth:                       
               a.   The fronting/administration fee it would require as the           
                    issuing carrier.                                                  
               b.   Estimated premium taxes applicable under this program.            
               c.   Its acceptance of Union International as the program              
               d.   Acceptance and confirmation of * * * [petitioner] as              
                    the authorized program administrator with total claim             
                    settlement authority.                                             
               e.   The specific documentation required to be given to                
                    shippers electing coverage under this program.                    
               On April 27, 1983, Mr. Corde sent a letter to Mr. Robert               
          Sargent of Travelers Insurance Co. (Travelers) discussing                   
          petitioner's excess value program and requested that Travelers              
          submit a proposal for the excess value program.  On May 20, 1983,           
          Mr. Sargent sent a letter to Mr. Corde outlining an alternative             
          for petitioner.                                                             
               In a letter dated May 7, 1983, to Mr. Corde, Mr. Smetana               
          presented AIGRM's proposal for an excess value program.  In the             
          letter, AIGRM proposed that it would issue a single master                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011