Gwendolyn A. Ewing - Page 59

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         relief for abuse of discretion on the other, are two                         
         fundamentally different judicial exercises for which different               
         procedures are entirely appropriate.                                         
                   2.  Nonrequesting Spouses                                          
              We also disagree with the majority’s conclusion that “[t]he             
         fact that Congress provided for intervention by nonrequesting                
         spouses in the Tax Court proceeding suggests Congress intended               
         that we conduct trials de novo in making our determinations under            
         section 6015(f)”.  Majority op. p. 19.  There are numerous                   
         examples in administrative law where third parties are allowed to            
         intervene in judicial proceedings involving the review of agency             
         action.  See, e.g., Didrickson v. United States Dept. of                     
         Interior, 982 F.2d 1332 (9th Cir. 1992).  We are not aware of any            
         cases holding that such third parties may introduce matters                  
         outside the scope of the relevant administrative record.  Cf. Vt.            
         Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc.,               
         435 U.S. 519, 549-555 (1978) (upholding Atomic Energy                        
         Commission’s refusal to consider conservation alternatives raised            
         by intervenor subsequent to initial licensing decision).                     
              F.  Conclusion                                                          
              We conclude that our scope of review in this case should be             
         limited to the administrative record.                                        

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