Michael P. and Pamela J. Hopkins - Page 8

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          loss of $36,0667 and (2) Mr. Hopkins’s automobile racing expendi-           
          tures of $67,084 that petitioners claimed as “advertising and               
          business promotion” in Statement SBE, Supplemental Business                 
          Expenses (Statement SBE), included as part of their 1999 joint              
          return.  In Statement SBE, petitioners indicated that Mr. Hopkins           
          incurred Mr. Hopkins’s automobile racing expenditures of $67,084            
          as an “S Corporation Shareholder”.                                          
               Respondent conducted examinations of Mr. Hopkins’s S Corpo-            
          ration’s 1999 Form 1120S and petitioners’ 1999 joint return.                
          With respect to the examination of the 1999 Form 1120S, respon-             
          dent determined, inter alia, to disallow $12,729, and to allow              
          $3,772 as advertising expenses, of Mr. Hopkins’s S Corporation’s            
          expenditures of $16,501 that Mr. Hopkins’s S Corporation claimed            
          as a deduction in that form.8  Respondent also determined to                

               7In determining the amount of Mr. Hopkins’s S Corporation’s            
          claimed 1999 ordinary loss of $36,066 reported in the 1999 Form             
          1120S, Mr. Hopkins’s S Corporation deducted from its gross                  
          receipts reported in that form, inter alia, Mr. Hopkins’s S                 
          Corporation’s expenditures of $16,501 and Mr. Hopkins’s S Corpo-            
          ration’s expenditures of $39,557.                                           
               8Of the total of Mr. Hopkins’s S Corporation’s expenditures            
          of $16,501 that were claimed as a deduction in Mr. Hopkins’s S              
          Corporation’s 1999 Form 1120S, respondent (1) disallowed                    
          (a) $9,609 as nondeductible loan payments with respect to Mr.               
          Hopkins’s motor home and (b) $3,130 of Mr. Hopkins’s S Corpora-             
          tion’s unidentified automobile racing expenditures of $6,620 as             
          nondeductible personal automobile racing expenditures of Mr.                
          Hopkins and (2) allowed (a) $3,490 of such unidentified automo-             
          bile racing expenditures and (b) $282 of advertising (hats)                 
          expenditures (or a total of $3,772) as advertising expenses.                
          Respondent determined the former amount allowed (i.e., $3,490) as           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011