- 15 - The opinions from the Eighth and Ninth Circuits create one of the unique problems that our Court sometimes has to face--we have always believed that Congress meant us to decide like cases alike, no matter where in the nation they arose, so that our precedents could be relied on by all taxpayers. Appeals from our decisions, though, go to twelve different circuit courts and so we have often had to react to appellate reversal by only one of 7(...continued) under � 6015(e) unless a deficiency was asserted against the individual petitioning for review,” Bartman, 446 F.3d at 787. Future cases may well show that Congress meant to give us jurisdiction when a deficiency was “asserted” because it wanted to allow taxpayers to petition for relief well before the IRS sends out a notice of deficiency or makes an assessment--perhaps as soon as issuance of a revenue agent’s report, or some other time during an examination, when the IRS first “states that additional taxes may be owed.” H. Conf. Rept. 106-1033, 1023 (2000), 2000-3 C.B. 304, 353 (quoted in Ewing I, 118 T.C. at 504). The terms “determination” and “assessment” are not customarily regarded as synonyms in tax law. A “determination” is the IRS’s final decision, see, e.g., secs. 6212(a), 6230(a)(3)(B). And an “assessment” is the specific procedure by which the IRS officially records a liability, see sec. 6203, triggering its power to collect taxes administratively. (The Code generally bars the IRS from assessing taxes that are being contested in our Court. See sec. 6213(a).) We note too that, although notices of deficiency establish jurisdiction in most of our cases, see Bartman, 446 F.3d at 787, Congress has given us jurisdiction over cases in which there need be no deficiency--for example, review of the Commissioner’s determinations after IRS collection due process hearings. Sec. 6330(d)(1). However, because there was no deficiency lurking in this case at all, we need not decide whether an “assertion of deficiency” is synonymous with a “notice of deficiency,” much less an “assessment”, in defining the limits of our jurisdiction under section 6015(e). See generally sec. 1.6015-5(b)(5), Income Tax Regs.Page: Previous 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Next
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