Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 91

               B.  1957 Regulations                                                   
               On October 23, 1957, the Secretary filed in the Federal                
          Register the 1957 regulations interpreting section 882 of the               
          1954 Code.  See sec. 1.882-4, Income Tax Regs., 22 Fed. Reg. 8362           
          (Oct. 23, 1957).  According to those regulations, section 882 of            
          the 1954 Code pertained to “resident corporations”; i.e.,                   
          corporations with a trade or business in the United States, and             
          such a corporation could deduct its expenses only if it filed a             
          true and accurate Federal income tax return in accordance with              
          section 6012 and the regulations thereunder.  The 1957                      
          regulations stated that a foreign corporation would be taxed on             
          its gross income, without the benefit of any deductions, if it              
          did not so file such a return.  The 1957 regulations did not                
          require that the required return be filed by a set time.  Nor did           
          the 1957 regulations state that the relevant text included a                
          timely filing requirement.  The 1957 regulations stated in                  
          relevant part:                                                              
                    � 1.882-4 Allowance of Deductions to Foreign                      
               Corporations.--* * *                                                   
                    (b) Resident foreign corporations.--(1) Return                    
               necessary.  A resident foreign corporation shall                       
               receive the benefit of the deductions allowed to it                    
               with respect to the income tax, only if it files or                    
               causes to be filed with the district director, in                      
               accordance with section 6012 and the regulations                       
               thereunder, a true and accurate return of its total                    
               income received from all sources within the United                     

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