Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 94

          waived by the District Director or Assistant Commissioner                   
          (International), in rare and unusual circumstances if good cause            
          for such waiver, based on the facts and circumstances, is                   
          established by the foreign corporation.”                                    
               As to the inclusion of the timely filing requirement, the              
          preamble to the 1990 regulations states in relevant part:                   
                    Commentators questioned the validity of the filing                
               deadlines as set forth in the proposed regulations.                    
               The filing deadlines were not eliminated in the final                  
               regulations, however, since the statute clearly                        
               provides for the denial of deductions and credits if                   
               returns are not filed in a timely manner.  This                        
               requirement is justified because of different                          
               administrative and compliance concerns with regard to                  
               nonresident alien individuals and foreign corporations.                
               [T.D. 8322, supra, 1990-2 C.B. at 172, 55 Fed. Reg.                    
               50827 (Dec. 11, 1990).]                                                
          Among the referenced commentators was the American Bar                      
          Association Section of Taxation (ABAST).  See Letter from Holden,           
          Chair, Section of Taxation, American Bar Association Section of             
          Taxation (May 25, 1990), reprinted in 90 TNT 120-28 (June 7,                
          1990).  The ABAST commented that the timely filing requirement              
          was inconsistent with section 882(c)(2) and supported that                  
          comment by citing Anglo-Am. Direct Tea Trading Co. v.                       
          Commissioner, 38 B.T.A. 711 (1938), Blenheim Co. v. Commissioner,           
          125 F.2d 906 (4th Cir. 1942), Ardbern Co. v. Commissioner,                  
          120 F.2d 424 (4th Cir. 1941), and Georday Enters. v.                        
          Commissioner, 126 F.2d 384 (4th Cir. 1942), all of which, the               
          ABAST stated, rejected such a requirement.  See Letter from                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011