Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 101

          them.  While we apply a Natl. Muffler analysis, our result under            
          a Chevron analysis would be the same.                                       
          X.  Review of the Disputed Regulations                                      
               A.  Overview                                                           
               We conclude that the timely filing requirement in the                  
          disputed regulations does not harmonize with the plain language,            
          origin, or purpose of the relevant text of section 882(c)(2).  A            
          plain reading of the relevant text in the context of the Internal           
          Revenue Code shows that the text includes no timely filing                  
          requirement.  Where, as here, the Secretary has prescribed a                
          regulation that is inconsistent with the plain meaning of a                 
          statute, the regulation is invalid, and any deference to the                
          Secretary’s interpretation of that statute under Natl. Muffler              
          Dealers Association v. United States, 440 U.S. 472 (1979), is               
          unwarranted.  Such is especially so where, as here, the disputed            
          regulations also are unreasonable under an analysis of Natl.                
          Muffler Dealers Association v. United States, supra at 477.                 
               B.  Plain Meaning of the Relevant Text                                 
               We begin our analysis of the relevant text with the words              
          used therein.  We apply the plain meaning of the words used in a            
          statute unless we find that a word’s plain meaning is ambiguous.            
          See Garcia v. United States, 469 U.S. 70, 76 n.3 (1984); see also           
          Ex parte Collett, 337 U.S. 55 (1949).  When interpreting a                  
          statute, “[t]he judiciary is the final authority on issues of               

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