Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 110

          (6) the degree of scrutiny Congress has devoted to the regulation           
          during subsequent reenactments of the statute.  Id.                         
               Our analysis of these considerations reinforces our                    
          conclusion that the disputed regulations are invalid.  The                  
          regulations were issued in 1990, 62 years after the relevant text           
          was enacted and 72 years after the enactment of the parallel                
          provision of section 217 of the Revenue Act of 1918.  Thus, the             
          disputed regulations are not a “substantially contemporaneous               
          construction of the statute by those presumed to have been aware            
          of congressional intent”.  Id. at 477.  We therefore inquire into           
          the manner in which the disputed regulations evolved.  See id.              
          The disputed regulations were issued after both the Court of                
          Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the Board had repeatedly and             
          consistently held that the relevant text did not include a timely           
          filing requirement.22  The regulations also were issued after               
          multiple reenactments of the relevant text, none of which altered           
          the judiciary’s construction of the text, and merely adopted                
          respondent’s unsuccessful litigating position.  The Secretary’s             
          statement accompanying the issuance of the disputed regulations,            

               22 The relevant meaning that we distill from the referenced            
          cases of the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the                
          Board is twofold.  First, a foreign corporation must file a tax             
          return in order to deduct its expenses.  Second, the                        
          Commissioner’s preparation of a substitute return for the                   
          corporation is generally considered to be the corporation’s                 
          return for Federal income tax purposes and divests the taxpayer             
          of its entitlement to file a return for itself.                             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011