Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 104

          include both meanings in a single provision.  See, e.g., 1954               
          Code secs. 6033(b), 6036, 6081(b), 6103(b)(1) and (d)(1)(B),                
          6201(a), 6205(a)(1) and (b), 6302(c), 6335(b), 6338(b), 6413(b),            
          7204 for instances where Congress upon enactment of the 1954 Code           
          used both words in a single provision in subtitle F (then secs.             
          6001 through 7852).  Congress did likewise in the Foreign                   
          Investors Tax Act of 1966, when it legislated as to section 882,            
          and in the 1986 Code, when it recodified the relevant text a                
          second time.  As to the former legislation, see, e.g., secs. (as            
          amended by the Foreign Investors Tax Act of 1966) 871(d)(3),                
          981(d).  As to the latter legislation, see, e.g., 1986 Code secs.           
          6033(b), 6036,  6038(a)(2), 6038A(a), 6038B(a), 6039C(c)(4),                
          6039D(a) and (c), 6039F(a)(1), 6045(d), 6047(b), 6050A(a),                  
          6050K(a), 6053(c)(1), 6059(c), 6081(b), 6096(c), 6103(f)(4)(A)              
          and (B) and (p)(1), 6104(a)(1)(A), 6157(a)(2), 6164(b),                     
          6166(b)(7), 6167(a), 6201(a), 6205(a)(1) and (b), 6230(i),                  
          6302(c), 6324A(a) for instances where Congress upon enactment of            
          the 1986 Code used both words in a single provision in subtitle F           
          (then secs. 6001 through 7872); see also 1986 Code sec. 6039(a)             
          (stating the specific time by which a “written statement” must be           
          furnished “in such manner and setting forth such information as             
          the Secretary may by regulations prescribe”).                               
               We believe that Congress acted intentionally and purposely             
          when it included both “time” and “manner” in single sections of             

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