Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 131

          882(c)(2) preempted respondent’s regulatory authority to                    
          promulgate in 1990 a specific administrative rule with regard to            
          section 882(c)(2).  See Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Res.                
          Def. Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837, 843-844 (1984).                           
               In light of Natl. Cable, we should be focusing herein on an            
          analysis of the reasonableness of the filing deadline reflected             
          in section 1.882-4(a)(2) and (3)(i) and (ii), Income Tax Regs.,             
          as promulgated in 1990, vis-a-vis the filing deadline reflected             
          in the court opinions that had been extant for approximately 50             
          years.  The majority opinion’s analysis, see majority op. pp.               
          65-69, however, of the reasonableness of the 1990 regulation is             
          quite inadequate.                                                           
               For the reasons set forth in the discussion below, section             
          1.882-4(a)(2) and (3)(i) and (ii), Income Tax Regs., constitutes            
          a reasonable administrative rule promulgated by the Commissioner            
          and the Treasury Department and reasonably fills in a gap in the            
          statutory language of section 882(c)(2).                                    
               (2) The 1930s and 1940s court opinions adopted and applied             
          a tax return filing deadline to the ability of foreign                      
          corporations to qualify for deductions and credits under the                
          predecessor of section 882(c)(2).  The court opinions in Taylor             
          Sec., Inc. v. Commissioner, 40 B.T.A. 696 (1939); Ardbern Co. v.            
          Commissioner, 120 F.2d 424 (4th Cir. 1941), modifying and                   
          remanding 41 B.T.A. 910 (1940); Blenheim Co. v. Commissioner,               

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