Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 134

          same need the courts addressed in Taylor Sec., Inc. v.                      
          Commissioner, supra, and its progeny).                                      
               (3) The majority opinion’s description of section 1.882-               
          4(a)(2) and (3)(i), Income Tax Regs., as simply a reflection of             
          respondent’s “unsuccessful litigating position”, majority op.               
          p. 63, is inaccurate, which inaccuracy perhaps is explained by              
          the failure of the majority opinion to consider the specifics of            
          the filing deadline set forth in the regulation.                            
               Although it early on, see majority op. note 4, sets forth              
          the language of section 1.882-4(a)(3)(i), Income Tax Regs., the             
          majority opinion provides only two single-sentence, general                 
          explanations of the filing deadline set forth therein, see                  
          majority op. pp. 5, 48, and nowhere does the majority opinion               
          attempt to compare the filing deadline that was adopted and                 
          applied by Taylor Sec., Inc. and its progeny with the specifics             
          of the filing deadline set forth in the regulation.                         
               In that regard, the following explanation of the specifics             
          of the filing deadline set forth in section 1.882-4(a)(2) and               
          (3)(i), Income Tax Regs., may be helpful.                                   
               Section 1.882-4(a)(2) and the first sentence of (3)(i),                
          Income Tax Regs., explains that the “timely filing” deadline set            
          forth therein applies only in determining a foreign                         
          corporation’s entitlement to deductions and credits under                   
          section 882(c)(2).  It does not constitute a generic timely                 

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