Swallows Holding, Ltd. - Page 138

          Regs., “simply adopts respondent’s unsuccessful litigating                  
          position”, majority op. p. 63, or seeks to “resurrect * * *                 
          [respondent’s] failed litigating position”, majority op. p. 84,             
          the regulation in issue incorporates significant aspects of the             
          judicially crafted filing deadline that was in effect for many              
          years prior to 1990.                                                        
               It would seem obvious that the increased number of foreign             
          corporation Federal income tax returns filed with respondent in             
          today’s world (as distinguished from the 1930s when the cases               
          relied on by the majority opinion were decided) and the                     
          increasingly complex tax laws and tax administration applicable             
          thereto would support, per se, respondent’s effort, by properly             
          promulgated regulation, to modify and clarify, in the above                 
          modest manner, the return filing deadline that has been                     
          applicable to foreign corporations.                                         
               Further, it is appropriate to emphasize that the regulation            
          at issue herein provides in subdivision (ii) of section 1.882-              
          4(a)(3), Income Tax Regs., a good cause, facts and circumstances            
          exception to the return filing deadline otherwise applicable                
          under section 1.882-4(a)(3)(i), Income Tax Regs.  This aspect of            
          the 1990 regulation is consistent with the facts and                        
          circumstances filing deadline that was applied by the Court of              
          Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Ardbern Co. v. Commissioner,              
          120 F.2d 424 (4th Cir. 1941).                                               

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