Charles A. and Marian L. Derby, et al. - Page 63

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          $23,037.00 for November and December and I have included that on            
          my business income for 1994"; and (3) Dr. Kennedy's profit and              
          loss statement for October, 1994 (P & L statement), which shows             
          total year-to-date patient fees, as of October 31, 1994, of                 
          $176,002.44.  On the basis of these documents, respondent posits            
          that Dr. Kennedy's total reported 1994 gross receipts from patient          
          fees (earned before he became an employee of SWMG as of November            
          1, 1994) were understated by $3,760.  Therefore, they must be               
          increased from $195,709 as reported to $199,469 as determined               
          after examination.  The Kennedys offer no documentary rebuttal.             
          They merely state, on brief, that the adjustment is 9 years old,            
          the records are "impossible to trace", and it is "Dr. Kennedy's             
          recollection" that the $195,709 reported on his return "is the              
          accurate dollar amount that he received as gross sales for his              
          medical practice."                                                          
                    2.  Discussion                                                    
               Although the stipulated exhibits (in particular, the letter)           
          generally support respondent's determination, his numbers do not            
          quite add up.  Whether the $176,002 representing Dr. Kennedy's              
          1994 gross receipts through October 31, 1994, is increased by               
          $23,797 (per the agent's report) or $23,037 (per the letter), the           
          result differs slightly from the total 1994 Schedule C gross                
          receipts of $199,469 respondent determined.  On cross-examination           

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